At a special meeting Monday night, the Chemung County Legislature elected Legislator Donna L. Draxler as it’s Chairman after the untimely death of Cornelius J. Milliken it’s long-time Chairman.

Legislator Rodney J. Strange made the motion nominating Draxler for the position. “The person I’m about to nominate is a lady who has served in this chamber longer than any other woman in history. She is the first woman to serve as majority leader and the first woman to be elected vice chairman. She has represendted the 14th legislative district with honor and distinction for the past 29 years. She is a leader on both the local and state level. She has spent the last three decades working to make her district and all of Chemung County a better place to live, work, and raise a family. Therefore, it is my distinct privilege to make this historic nomination of my friend and colleague from the Town of Southport, Legislator Donna L. Draxler for the office of Chairman of the Chemung County Legislature.”

The nomination was seconded by Legislator Ted Bennett. A motion was then made to nominate Draxler by a motion of the legislature as a whole and was unanimously approved.

First District Legislator John C. Pastrick, Jr. was then appointed by Chairman Draxler as the vice chairman and that appointment was approved unanimously by the legislature. “Legislator Pastrick will make an outstanding vice chairman and I look forward to working with him and helping him in anyway I can,” Strange said.